MMOF, The more SMEs we empower, the bigger our impact.

We create a world where responsible SMEs grow into impactful & investable opportunities.


When speaking about small and medium-sized enterprises, all we can think of is possibilities. We at Missing Middle Opportunity Facility (MMOF) want to create a world where the missing middle opportunity is empowered by helping responsible SMEs to grow by unlocking their potential. Today, large number of SMEs have unmet needs that could be answered by impact investment, with right solutions offered.

Unlocking the SMEs’ potential

When speaking about small and medium-sized enterprises, all we can think of is possibilities.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries and fragile contexts face regulatory barriers and challenges in accessing finance. The lack of financing is called the missing middle – financing is generally more available for large and micro-sized enterprises than for SMEs. And that is where MMOF steps in to help.

We cannot stress enough the importance of the SME sector in terms of job creation, structural economic transition, and fighting against poverty and conflicts. Responsible private sector plays a pivotal role and has a responsibility to ensure sufficient livelihoods for the growing populations of developing countries.
Enabling inclusive economic growth and creating decent jobs, by supporting responsible and growth-oriented SMEs in fragile contexts, is a challenge that finance alone will not be able address sustainably and effectively. To tackle the obstacles of SMEs to sustainable growth, we want to play a central role by not only investing in promising and growth-oriented SMEs but also providing business development services to advance and accelerate that growth journey. The ultimate goal is to prepare SMEs for investments and ensure they will get financed. We want to make skills and capital available for economically, socially and environmentally responsible SMEs that work to improve livelihoods, reduce poverty and build more resilient and productive communities.

The numbers that matter


Invested in portfolio companies


Employees in the supported SMEs


SMEs financed (direct investment)